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We accept same-day emergency appointments for immediate care.
Contact us to schedule: ‭(708) 481-1818

Emergency Dentistry Olympia Fields

At Olympia Fields Dental Associates, we are committed to delivering high quality dental care in a safe and comfortable environment. If you are looking for an emergency dentist in Olympia Fields, our friendly dental team is here to help!

We know that a dental problem and the need for an emergency dentist can often arise when you least expect it. Our team is here for you for all your dental needs in the Olympia Fields area, including dental emergencies.

What is a Dental Emergency?

  • Broken, fractured, or chipped tooth
  • Uncontrollable bleeding gums
  • Painful swelling in or around your mouth
  • Knocked-out tooth
  • Severe teeth pain and/or infection

We Are Here For Your Dental Emergencies

For any patient requiring emergency dental care in the Olympia Fields area, call us at (708) 481-1818 for same day emergency dental appointments. Our dedicated team is available to answer any dental questions you may have. It is important that you do not avoid or delay dental treatment in these instances, as it can lead to further damage that may require expensive treatments.

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What to Do in a Dental Emergency

In a dental emergency, it is important to remain calm and act quickly. If you handle the issue promptly, there is a real possibility of saving your tooth! Here are a few scenarios you may be experiencing and the steps you can take to salvage your tooth, gums and oral health.

If You Lose a Tooth: If your tooth is knocked out as a result of trauma, it is important to immediately locate the tooth if possible. Pick up the broken tooth by the crown, or the white outer part you typically see when you smile. If necessary, rinse the tooth in warm water, but do not remove any tissue or scrub the tooth. Finally, store the tooth in milk or gently return the tooth to its place, and make your way to our office within the hour for the best chance of having it returned to the socket correctly and avoiding permanent tooth loss.

If you Lost a Filling or Crown: It is very important that you do not use glue or other temporary measures to put your device back in place. Call our office to have your crown or filling restored promptly. If you experience pain, we recommend using over-the-counter pain medication to manage these symptoms.

If you have a Toothache: The first thing you can do is to swish warm water in your mouth or floss in order to dislodge any food particles that could be causing severe pain. If this isn’t successful, or you can see damage or swelling in the tissues of your mouth, schedule an appointment with our office. Hold a cold compress to the outside of your cheek in order to numb any sites of pain or discomfort while you wait for your appointment. You can also take over-the-counter pain medication, but do not apply any medication directly onto the site.

If you have an Abscess: An abscess is a very serious condition that should be addressed immediately. Otherwise, there is the possibility that infection could spread to other parts of the body. Call our emergency dental clinic immediately if you have an abscess. You can rinse with a mild saltwater solution to manage pain in the meantime.

If you’re experiencing dental pain and need emergency dental services or need an additional dental service such as a tooth extraction, root canal treatment, dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, or oral surgery contact our dental office to schedule an appointment with a dental professional today.

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Contact Us

From general dentistry to cosmetic dentistry and dental implants, If you have a general question, comment, or need to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist, feel free to send us a message! For emergencies, or to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please call our office at:
(708) 481-1818